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Glass Clamps - Model 38 - End

Glass Clamps - Model 38 - End
Glass Clamps - Model 38 - End CAD Drawing

Indoor G304

CodeG (mm)BoltCADEnquire
34.3808.100.S8FF-45CAD DownloadEnquire
34.3810.100.S10FF-45CAD DownloadEnquire
34.3812.100.S12FF-45CAD DownloadEnquire

Outdoor G316's'

CodeG (mm)BoltCADEnquire
36.3808.100.S8FF-46CAD DownloadEnquire
36.3810.100.S10FF-46CAD DownloadEnquire
36.3812.100.S12FF-46CAD DownloadEnquire
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